
Sports & Recreation

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Fundracers - Running for a Reason
Company Name
Online Social Profiles
Phone Number
1886 Woodpoint Ct
Lawrenceville, Georgia, 30043
United States
Year Established
Hours of Operation
Monday - Sunday
8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

About Fundracers

Fundracers is a company servicing Gwinnett County and all of Metro Atlanta and the State of Georgia since 2011.  Fundracers organizes and produces 5K and 10K races/walks in order to raise funds and awareness for non-profit organizations, schools, families and individuals in need as well as sports teams among others. 

We produce quality, family friendly events at low costs in order to maximize profit for each organization we work for. 

Our misson is to produce QUALITY, ENTERTAINING events at a fair price to benefit organizations or families in need, all while giving back to our community in hopes of making it a better place for everyone. We achieve this through EMPATHY for our clients, close attention to details and logistics for our events and focusing on FUN and FITNESS for all ages.